Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Starbucks vs. Tim Hortons
Debates about coffee exist since Hortons and Starbucks, the two major coffee joints, were launched. Both Hortons and Starbucks have some similar features and the common feature is that they both serve coffee and donuts. Hortons and Starbucks serve more coffee than any other product.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks vs. Tim Hortons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Certainly, Starbucks is much more famous than Tim Hortons since it provides quality products, free internet access, and various samples for its customers to try. It has popularized itself in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter (Walsh, 2010). Starbucks is using different approaches to cope with current competitive settings and provides quality products which satisfy its customers. Services of Starbucks and Hortons Starbucks provides quality products which most customers have appreciated despite their prices. Customers who sign up for Sta rbucks become members of Starbucks rewards, their balances are protected if their cards are stolen or misplaced, and obtain gifts on their birthdays. These are not the only benefits customers receive from Starbucks which have made it more popular than Hortons. Starbucks has made history by becoming the first company to obtain ten million fans on Facebook, social networking site. They are ahead of Coca-Cola by more than three million fans. Starbucks has participated in supporting organization like Starbucks China Education Project and China Soong Ching Ling Foundation. They donated US$6.75 million to support projects intended at supporting teachers and children in rural regions of China (QSR, 2012). Starbucks also donated US$800,000 to the China Women Development Foundation that was initiated to help projects which are intended at supporting Chinese women receive access to essential services like safe drinking water (QSR, 2012). Prices One thing which mostly differentiates the two is their prices, where Hortons is much cheaper than Starbucks. Tim Hortons is less expensive and favors workers coming from small businesses. Most people consider that Hortons is involved in unfair trade and this makes their products cheaper than Starbucks. Farmers who sell their products to Hortons are paid low prices. However, Starbucks ensure that these farmers are paid correct amount of money for their products they supply to Starbucks. Most people consider that Starbucks provide quality products to their customers compared to Hortons.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Starbucks alters their drinks precisely the way they want it, while Hortons often add flavor substances to their drinks to increase taste and reduce extra expenses (Barnea, 2011). Although Tim Hortons is a fastest developing coffee joint in Canada and United States, Starbucks is also catching up due to their q uality products it offers to its customers. Most companies and businesses are going green in this competitive environment. Starbucks offers environmental friendly products. It provides sleeves to put on coffee cups to prevent hands from burning and sleeves are manufactured from 60 percent consumer fiber. Even their coffee cups are manufactured from recycled papers that make their products eco-friendly. Hortons does not provide these sleeves and their cups are doubled. They are not manufactured from consumer fibers or recycled papers to prevent hands from burning. Strategies of Starbucks Starbucks has opened more branches than Hortons. The key motivation which pushes Starbucks to launch more branches globally is to obtain access to bigger markets. It benefits from various associations and joint ventures to develop its market control overseas. It has opened more branches outside Canada and United States that have been developed by its aim of becoming environmental leader in all aspect s of their business. Starbucks intends to manage a business that possesses quality standards and is beyond reproach in the domestic and international business market. Starbucks expanded its business internationally to increase its market limit and carry on to develop its business. Starbucks has opened branches in 43 countries due to its target of keeping a better and stronger market (Walsh, 2010). All countries which Starbucks has opened branches have their own practices and cultural differences. Starbucks uses associations and joint ventures to help ease some of the difficulties of growing overseas. There are around 750 stores which have been opened in Japan and these were made possible by joint ventures with Japanese companies which permitted it to achieve cultural understanding (Walsh, 2010). Starbucks has been working to provide a range of essential products, but it is not limiting itself in new products either. It works to make new products for various geographic regions due to the conflicting cultural experiences which match them. Starbucks is eager to respond to various conflicting cultural and environmental factors and due to that, it has been equipped to develop radically as a company since its started initially in a small store in Seattle. Conclusion Both Starbucks and Hortons are well-known companies in several countries. They have their own strategies which make their customers keep on coming to buy their products. Starbucks is much more famous than Hortons because of its quality products. However, more employees from small businesses visit frequently Hortons to have cheaper and affordable coffee and other products.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks vs. Tim Hortons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Prices at Starbucks are almost double the prices of products in Hortons, but most customers consider that their products are high quality than Hortons. Starbucks has expanded into international market using different strategies to attain its target and prevent all challenges which are experienced in different cultures abroad. References Barnea, A. (2011). Lack of peripheral vision: How Starbucks failed in Israel. African Journal of Marketing Management , 3(4): 78-88. QSR. (2012). Starbucks to Support Rural Education in China. Web. Walsh, M. (2010). Starbucks Tops 10 Million Facebook Fans. Retrieved from https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/132008/ This essay on Starbucks vs. Tim Hortons was written and submitted by user Harley S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
We All Fall Down Essay Example
We All Fall Down Paper After the trashing of the Jerome household and the attack of their daughter Karen, the Jerome family knew their lives were never going to be the same. The purpose of composing a novel is to engage and entertain the responder through the use of a wide variety of forms, conventions and techniques allowing them to be drawn into completely different worlds. The novel We all fall down written by Robert Cormier and the song lyrics Cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin both present themes of redemption and fatherhood. Both composers use techniques such as effective punctuation, effective language and narrative perspectives to engage the reader. Throughout the novel We all fall down the theme of redemption is displayed through the narration of Buddy’s character. His continuous search for redemption becomes one of major concern. As one of the perpetrators in the trashing, he is always carrying a guilty conscience and the guilt of the trashing also undermines his relationship with Jane. Cormier constantly emphasises the trashing when Buddy and Jane are together causing Buddy to become evasive. â€Å"The first time Jane mentioned the word trashing, Buddy flinched; then turned away in self defence, his thoughts racing wildly as he anticipated what her next words would be. Buddy is continuously searching for redemption and asking for forgiveness, especially after Jane finds out about the invasion of her home. The use of similes and hyperbole reinforce the effect on Buddy when Jane told him she knew what he had done. â€Å"The impact of her knowledge struck him, like a giant mallet hitting a gong inside him, the vibration s echoing throughout his body. †This clearly and effectively illustrates the force of the consequences of his irresponsible act of violence in the beginning of the novel and the deception he has practised to cover up his guilt. We will write a custom essay sample on We All Fall Down specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on We All Fall Down specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on We All Fall Down specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Cormier has displayed a wide variety of conventions and features. Similarly, in Cats in the cradle, Chapin portrays the theme of redemption through the use of irony. At the beginning of the song, the son sees his dad as a role model and something he wants to become in the future. â€Å"I’m gonna be just like you dad†and by the end of the song, the father realises his son became just like him but unfortunately it’s not something to be proud of. â€Å"I said I’d like to see you if you don’t mind. He said I’d love to dad, if I can find the time. This is suggesting that the father is trying to make up for lost time but it’s too late as the tables have turned and that the son likely won’t have time for him. The novel presents a very dim view of fathers. Mr. Jerome fails to be a source of strength to his family after the trashing occurred. The invasion of his home defeats him and the result of that leaves him turning his anger in hi s daughter Jane. Mr. Jerome accused his daughter Jane of being the cause off the trashing as Harry Flowers stated that Jane gave him the key to the house. â€Å"For the first time since he arrived home, Jane’s father looked at her. Looked directly into her eyes, his own eyes flashing with-what? -anger? More than anger. She groped for the word and, to her horror, found it. Accusation. That’s what she saw in his eyes. †Cormier uses effective punctuation to show that Jane is looking for an answer. The use of one word sentences lets the reader know that she has found the answer. She feels shattered, anxious and the responder can empathise with Jane. Another example of an unsupportive father is Harry Flowers’ father. Harry doesn’t take responsibility for his own actions and relies on his father to pay his way out of his problems. His parents paid off the damages off the trashing and while doing so also paid off his son’s way out of responsibility. â€Å"When my father agreed to restitution, everybody went along, the judge and the cops The judge placed me on probation and my father paid up †Similarly, in Cats in the cradle, time changes and reverses the situation. Time has changed the attitude of the father towards his son. The first sentence of every verse shows that more time has passed therefore showing that the father isn’t on the receiving end of his son’s affection. My child arrived just the other day†, â€Å"My son turned ten just the other day†, â€Å"He came home from college just the other day†, â€Å"I’ve long since retired my son moved away†. This informs the responder that the father wasn’t there for his son overtime and when he was growing up. The emphasis on the line â€Å"When you comin home dad? †conveys the dangers of no communication and putting too much emphasis on work and money and not on spending quality time with the family. The structure of We all fall down is different from many novels. It doesn’t use chapters, but instead uses narrative perspectives and effective language to get across the themes and characters. This technique arouses curiosity and maintains the readers’ attention as it keeps them engaged and focused on what they are reading. There is a part 1 and part 2 which is a separation of some events that had happened. Part 2 is making right of what happened in part 1. The novel is told through the viewpoint of the three main characters Jane, Buddy and The Avenger. Each of them have a different perspective of the trashing and eventually these all come together. Throughout the novel Buddy’s language is colloquial slang and changes dramatically when talking about the effect alcohol has on him. His language becomes more educated and sophisticated. â€Å"Buddy discovered the marvellous methods of booze, the way it soothed and stroked, made hazy the harshness of things, made him – almost – happy. Languid, and feeling what the hell. †The use of commas engages the responder as it is a list telling the readers how happy alcohol makes him and they way it makes him feel. Cormier has used a broad range of different techniques and a unique structure to portray his themes and characters. Similarly, in Cats in the cradle, Chapin uses double narrative perspectives to present different points of view. It presents the words of the father and the words of the son who becomes just like the father, maybe worse as shown in the line â€Å"if I can find the time. †Through the texts We all fall down and Cats in the cradle both Cormier and Chapin use a wide variety of forms, conventions and ideas to draw the responder into the world of the texts. Through the use of techniques it is more evident how the themes of redemption and fatherhood apply in the texts and enables the responder to be drawn into distinctive worlds.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Sample Middle School Essay
Sample Middle School EssayA sample middle school essay can be found in many different ways. These days you can find online guides or help texts on the subject. You can also visit the local library for a printable essay prompt.In your quest to get a copy of a sample middle school essay, you will find that not all sources are created equal. What works for one student may not work for another.If you are considering taking up this activity, you will have to decide which essay to use. You can choose from a variety of topic areas, or even narrow it down to a specific grade level. Regardless of the assignment you choose, you will find some templates to use.When you take a look at the samples for your middle school essay, you will see that the tone is already set. Some writers, as well as many students, will likely turn their focus inward. While this may work for some, it may not work for others.There is something to be said for an original idea that fits the reader's interests. Many student s with this type of style may not have been exposed to the same ideas in school. As such, it may be beneficial to ask your teacher what they would consider to be the perfect middle school essay.Even if you do not have a teacher's opinion, if you take the time to read the examples, you will most likely get a good idea of what is acceptable. After all, when you choose the sample, you are choosing to focus on the literary qualities of the text.In addition, the author's opinion is normally considered to be a big factor in determining whether an essay is suitable for middle school students. If the author prefers that the student write in a lighter and humorous way, then there is an easy way to incorporate this into the flow of the essay.
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