Monday, May 18, 2020

Response to Change Essay - 977 Words

Response to Change Change should be seen as a challenge and embraced with enthusiasm (Marquis Huston, 2012). In my professional and personal life, I view and respond to change as a way to make improvements to existing regulations and circumstances. I embark upon the quest with determination to succeed at whatever task is presented to me. Life without change can become unchallenging and stagnant (Marquis Huston, 2012). As society and technology advance, you must incorporate the necessary transformations that arise with it. Throughout my live, my behavior towards change has evolved into a more mature acceptance of the inevitable. As an adolescent, I failed to contemplate the reasoning behind changes that occurred within my life. I†¦show more content†¦Time management was a vital element that I had to incorporate into my daily routine. My entire family had to adjust to the new stressors that were introduced with my decision of returning to school. The normal routine that they had grown accust omed to was no longer practical. It was difficult for them to accept that I was no longer the primary source of everyday responsibilities. This new adaptation was difficult and stressful for them to accept. However, the willingness to accept their new roles ended with a positive outcome for everyone involved. I have witness response to change through my friends and family members. Each individual varies in their skills and ability to accept change (Blais Hayes, 2011). In order for change to be a healthy experience, it must be entered into with an open mind and positive attitude. When unforeseen change occurs within my family, we pull together to help each other through it. My network of friends have the same view towards change. If situations arise that are positive, we embrace and appreciate them. Conversely, we handle negative transformations by pulling strength from each other. The ER is a place of constant, emotional unplanned change. As a team, we approach each situation with strength and determination. Negative attitudes does not exist within our group. We accustom our treatment to fit the needs of each individual patient. Emotional challenges are endured on a daily basis. We pull together asShow MoreRelatedBiotic Response For Climate Change1701 Words   |  7 Pagesresearch and broader impacts experience has built a platform to stand a career on, creating marketable skills, and long term plans for my future as an academic scientist, educator, and member of society. My research today is about biotic response to climate change; it rests on my past experiences in paleobiology and physical climate science, and will be stabilized by my growing interests in environmental chemistry and ecology. My broader impacts have a foundation in working with underserviced communitiesRead MoreLoose Change Documentart Response1253 Words   |  6 Pagesscattered about the area. 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