Thursday, July 25, 2019

"Verbicide" Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

"Verbicide" - Assignment Example One challenge that people face is not the lack of knowledge of the language, but a lack of coherence in speaking it. This challenge has been occasioned, partly because the society is greatly specialized. This specialization has led to the division of language segments, each for a different and distinct sector of development for example. The language used, say in electrical engineering is strictly confined and distinct in that particular field. This confinement has meant that our language is sorted out based on the various accepted disciplines in our society. An electrical engineering student finds it difficult communicating on anything else besides electrical engineering. A person’s capacity to think as a whole has significantly been compromised as the language of the expert cannot explain the general state of our practical life. The battle against language is championed by people who subvert the vocabulary used by the general public. This selfish act is all in a bid to controlling others by availing biased meanings to particular issues. This has resulted in a gradual slow death of our vocabulary. The effect has been a situation where the people cannot define the problems that they face. This issue has brought about a quagmire of accumulated and unsolved problems. The words that the people cannot adequately describe these same imaginations. Another major problem is the decline in the experience of the world both in terms of range and depth. The decline has been so great that experience is rendered artificial. It is now hard to come across people who are skilled in working on farms or in forests. The vocabulary in such intimate areas has been rendered impoverished. Even when the people have the world’s experience, it is usually confined to non-participatory realms that make it artificial. Language plays a critical role in ensuring teamwork both in informal settings and at the workplaces. The issues affecting language are,

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