Saturday, July 27, 2019

Johann Sebastian Bach Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Johann Sebastian Bach - Research Paper Example Although Bach did not receive recognition as a composer during the period, the 19th century led to a revival of performances and interests in his music, which upon closer examination have made him be regarded as one of the greatest composers in history. Discussion Period of Composition Johann Sebastian Bach made his famous compositions during the Baroque period. This was an era of European music that was between 1600 and 1750. The word Baroque is used in reference to extravagance, abnormality and strangeness. The music played during the Baroque period was highly ornate, intense and lavishly texturized. The composers of this era, such as Johann Sebastian Bach, were able to express feelings and emotions in their compositions. Moreover, the compositions made during the Baroque period had an emphasis on contrast of texture, pace and volume in the music, which was not witnessed in the late renaissance, when the music played, did not concentrate on the aforementioned elements2. Bachâ€℠¢s rise to greatness The rich musical history of Bach’s family was instrumental in ensuring that Bach became the greatest composer in history. Christened father of classical music, Bach demonstrated a deep understanding of phrasing and musical forms. Following Bach’s graduation from St. ... However, the relationship between Bach and the authorities at Arnstadt deteriorated with Bach voicing his dissatisfaction with the singers of the church’s choir3. In 1706, Bach was offered the position of an organist at a church in Muhlhausen, which he decided to take up the following year. This position provided Bach with an opportunity to improve his skills as it included incentives such as a good choir, improved conditions and better remuneration. Bach convinced the city government and the church to refurbish the organ at the church after which Bach repaid them with a festive composition for the incumbent council in the location. The composition became a major success, which compelled the council to reward Bach handsomely4. Bach returned to Weimar as an accomplished concertmaster and organist. He enhanced his prowess by working with professional musicians. Bach was able to spend most of his time composing orchestral and keyboard works. This dedication made him to attain the required confidence and proficiency that enabled him to enhance the existing structures and attain substantial influence in foreign countries. Furthermore, during this time Bach was able to make dramatic openings and use the harmonic schemes and dynamic rhythms, which were synonymous with Italians musicians such as Torelli, Vivaldi and Corelli. The stylistic aspects from the aforementioned Italians enabled Bach to make works, which are played in concerts even to date5. Historical Events in Bach’s Life There are some major events in Bach’s life that influenced and shaped his musical career. When he was 14 years old, Bach was awarded a scholarship that enabled him to study at St. Michaels School. This prestigious school was

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