Sunday, October 6, 2019

Transformational Leadership According to Bennis and Nanus Research Paper

Transformational Leadership According to Bennis and Nanus - Research Paper Example In 1985, Bennis and Nanus conducted a research on transformational leadership. Their research resulted in fresh and significant findings on what transformational leadership is (McKee, Driscoll, Kelloway, & Kelley, 2011). This research paper gives a critical analysis and research-based discussion on what transformational leadership is in accordance to the postulates of the study by Bennis and Nanus. The paper will specifically focus on transformational leadership within health care systems and the management of health care professionals. Bennis and Nanus Research on Transformational Leadership Bennis and Nanus noticed that corporations used quantifiable criteria to judge and evaluate their leaders and executives. These criteria included the technical competence of an executive, conceptual skills, people skills, track record, character, judgment and taste. In accordance to Bennis and Nanus, leadership competencies cannot be quantified (Trofino, 2008). In this regard, they conducted a r esearch in large corporations and organizations that were undergoing significant transformation. This is due to the fact that positive transformation is equated to good leadership (Simola, Barling, & Turner, 2012). Through their research, Bennis and Nanus revealed that in addition to the aforementioned criteria of judging effectiveness in a leader, there were additional attributes among transformational leaders. These characteristics contributed to the effectiveness of transformational leaders in motivating change within the organizations which they led (Salter, Green, Duncan, Berre, & Torti, 2010). Four main leadership attributes were identified among leaders in transforming organizations as described below. According to the investigation of Bennis and Nanus, the first and major attribute of leaders within transforming organizations is vision (McKee, Driscoll, Kelloway, & Kelley, 2011). Transformational leaders are visionaries. This means that they have a clear and specific vision. These leaders, therefore, had a picture of the state of their organization at a specified future date. In this regard, transformational leaders are motivated by the need to drive the organization to the envisioned state (Nazari & Emami, 2012). These leaders realize that it is through their employees or followers that the vision can be achieved and, as a result, they communicate clearly what goals they must work to achieve (Thompson, 2012). In health care delivery systems, transformational leadership is, therefore, an approach or style to leadership which motivates healthcare professionals towards achievement of a specified vision. For example, transformational leaders within health care organizations would envision the growth of the health system that will entail the application of modern technologies in care. In this regard, the transformational leaders will ensure that the culture of care providers is changed so that they will accept the implemented technologies. This includes th eir willingness to attend training programs that will equip them with skills and knowledge of applying technology in care. More specifically,

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