Monday, June 17, 2019

International organisations. United Nations in Human Rights, ICJ & ICC Essay

International organisations. United Nations in Humilitary personnel Rights, ICJ & ICC - Essay ExampleInternational Court of Justice, on the other hand, is at a lower place affiliation with the United Nations. It settles disputes, which are put forward by individual states. In addition, it gives legal advice to states (Smith, pp. 55-60, 2007). A legal procedure has to be followed for international move of justice once a campaign is filed in the court. Hence, it is obvious that International Criminal Court tries individuals whitheras International Court of Justice deals with the issues of a state and thus deals with larger bodies. These are mostly states that are members of the UN. In addition, since advisory services on legal matters are also provided in International Court of Justice, the cases dealt here have to undergo an entire formal procedure.There has been debate about the empowerment of these institutions, and non-governmental bodies have been emphasizing the empowerment o f ICC as well. They emphasize on handling the cases regarding the exercise of power to International Criminal Court (Smith, pp. 55-60, 2007). On the other hand, others believe that ICJ should be given the matters to decide. Hence, it remains matter of debate but a trend that is established that individuals and non-governmental bodies preferring ICC to IJC.... The mandate of UN was to respect human rights and make justice available to everyone, regardless of their creed, color, or race. However, it has been an argument that this may not be the case as Saudi Arabia is also a member of the UN. Since Saudi Arabia is a place where a woman is not allowed to leave the house without a man and where gays are not well represented at all, it is a contradiction to its mandate (Advancing Human Rights, 2011). International efforts to establish peace and govern human rights emerged in particular after World War II when the harm all-encompassing to the human race was observed (Halderman, page 27 5, 1979). This was the time after which United Nations emerged as a peace making body, and its task was to make sure that wars were avoided as much as possible and matters of dispute were tried based on talks and discussions quite a than wars, which cause immense loss to human life and infrastructure alike. Recently, the aims of United Nations include the security and well-being of people and larger bodies, including states that are its members. Its work is extended on the micro scale to humanitarian assistance, to ensure equality and well-being to humans living across the world. It also undergoes economic and social developments of states. This is done by providing infrastructure to the poorer nations that are its members. In addition, it can bring this about by abolishing some unfair practices that exists in certain areas, a very popular cause of which is child labor. United Nations funds its projects through some of the member states. The function of United Nations is debatable due to differences of interests of different groups of individuals. Hence, their different actions can be debated on basis of

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